September 24, 1987 - April 28, 1990
CBS Military Drama - 58 Filmed Episodes


Sgt. Zeke Anderson:   Terence Knox
Capt. Rusty Wallace:   Kevin Conroy
Lt. Myron Goldman:   Stephen Caffrey
Pvt. Roger Horn:   Joshua Maurer
Pvt. Randy Matsuda:   Steve Akahoshi
Cpl. Danny Percell:   Eric Bruskotter
Pvt. Martin Johnson:   Stan Foster
Pvt. Alberto Ruiz:   Ramon Franco
Pvt. Marcus Taylor:   Miguel A. Nunez, Jr.
Alex Devlin:   Kim Delaney
Lt. John McKay:   Dan Gauthier
Dr. Jennifer Seymour:   Betsy Brantley
Major Darling:   Richard Brestoff
Col. Brewster:   Carl Weathers
Pvt. Francis Hockenberry:   John Dye
Major Duncan:   Michael Christy
Col. Stringer:   Alan Scarfe
Gen. Elliot:   Peter Vogt
Pvy. William Griner:   Kyle Chandler
Pvt. Thomas Scarlet:   Lee Majors

Set in Vietnam in 1967, Tour of Duty was a remarkably honest
portrayal of a group of American soldiers fighting the most
unpopular war in American history. The environment was hostile,
most of the members of Company B were new recruits unprepared for
the harsh realities of war, and many of their friends and relatives
didn't support what they were doing. The real leader of Company B
was Sgt. Anderson, a veteran serving his third tour of duty in
Vietnam, whose friendliness, professionalism, and concern for the
safety of his men made him very popular. His informal approach
created conflict with Lt. Goldman, the platoon's uptight leader who
was fresh out of officer candidate school. New to the platoon
were Horn, a drafted pacifist from Chicago; Percell, a gung-ho
volunteer from Iowa; Ruiz, a tough Puerto Rican from the Bronx;
and Baker, a free-spirited surfer from Southern California. Johnson
and Taylor were the two black veterans in the unit, the former, an
experienced jungle fighter and the latter, a moody malcontent. Doc
was the unit's medic and Capt. Wallace, the company commander.

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