September 8, 1966 - April 4, 1969
NBC Science Fiction - 78 Filmed Episodes


Captain James T. Kirk:   William Shatner
Mr. Spock, science officer:   Leonard Nimoy
Dr. Leonard McCoy ("Bones"):   DeForest Kelley
Mr. Sulu, navigator:   George Takei
Lt. Uhura, communications officer:   Nichelle Nichols
Lt. Commander Scott, chief engineer:   James Doohan
Ensign Paval Chekov:   Walter Koenig
Yeoman Janice Rand:   Grace Lee Whitney
Christine Chapel, nurse:   Majel Barrett
Mr. Farrell:   Jim Goodwin
Lt. Starnes:   James Wellman

Set in the 23rd century, Star Trek followed
the adventures of the starship U.S.S. Enterprise,
a cruiser-sized spacecraft whose mission included
reconnaissance of previously unexplored worlds
and transporting supplies to Earth colonies in
space. Confrontations with two alien races,
Klingons and Romulans, provided recurring conflicts
and there were numerous encounters with other
"strange" forms of alien life as well.

Captain James T. Kirk was cast in the classic hero
mold but, if the truth be known, his alien first
officer, Mr. Spock, had a following almost as large.
Spock, a half-breed Vulcan whose father was an
ambassador and mother was an Earth woman, had pointed
ears and a decidedly green complexion. Although he
tried, and usually succeeded, in maintaining a totally
logical public self, there was turmoil within as he
struggled to control his emotions. The third principal
cast member was Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy, a fine
surgeon and diagnostician with a sarcastic sense of humor.
Although Spock and McCoy did not always see eye to eye,
they had great underlying respect for each other and
were fiercely loyal to Captain Kirk. Supporting
regulars were Sulu, the chief navigator; Lt. Uhura, the
communications officer, Lt. Commander Montgomery
"Scotty" Scott, the chief engineer; Christine Chapel,
assistant to Dr. McCoy; and young Ensign Pavel
Chekov, assistant navigator.


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Episode Guide
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Eric's Excruciatingly Detailed Star Trek Plot Summaries
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Stark Trek - The Original Series - Web Site
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William Shatner
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Star Trek Original Series Sites
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