September 22, 1958 - September 18, 1961
NBC & ABC Detective Drama - 114 Filmed Episodes


Peter Gunn:   Craig Stevens
Edie Hart:   Lola Albright
Lt. Jacoby:   Herschel Bernardi
"Mother":   Hope Emerson
  Minerva Urecal

Peter Gunn was one of the first suave, aggressive,
lady-killer private detectives to be seen on TV. Working
to get his clients out of trouble, and to solve crimes, he
often found himself on the short end of a fight but somehow
managed to come out on top, often through the intervention
of his friend, police lieutenant Jacoby. Gunn spent much of
his free time at a jazz nightclub called "Mother's," where
his girlfriend Edie was the club's featured nightly singer.

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Peter Gunn

Peter Gunn
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Peter Gunn
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